Ravenswood Art Walk

american made artist chicago handmade handmade jewelry jewelry lillstreet art center local maker ravenswood ravenswood art walk rebecca zemans recycled metals scultpure shop local small business street festival studio update wearable art

Ravenswood Art Walk, Chicago

I am so excited to participate in another year of the Ravenswood Art Walk!  As both a small business owner and a resident of Ravenswood, this is a great weekend to get to know the community and learn more about all the artists in our neighborhood.

Visit my studio in the Lillstreet Art Center this weekend - Saturday and Sunday, September 19th and 20th from noon to 4pm - to see where the magic happens!  You will find my studio space on the third floor of Lillstreet, all the way at the end of the hall and to the left, studio #304. 

Come on up and say hi, I am excited to show off new work for the new year!

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