Rebecca Zemans Jewelry Blog — alternative

Before & After - Bits and Pieces

Before & After - Bits and Pieces

We hope everyone has been having an excellent summer!  The studio has been busy working with couples to create special wedding bands all season long, as well as custom tailored anniversary and birthday presents.  Our favorite projects always seem to involve heriloom materials and the transformation which takes place in using something old to create something new. Our most recent heirloom redesign was for a client's wedding band using elements of a ring from her Oma.  Our client works with her hands and needed a durable wedding band that suits her lifestyle, yet wanted to incorporate materials from family heirloom...

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Onyx - Stone of the Month

Onyx, our alternative birthstone of the month, is a variety of microcrystalline quartz, called chalcedony and found worldwide. Onyx was used in Egypt as early as the Second Dynasty to make utilitarian items such as bowls. Today it is often used for ornamental carvings and jewelry. Onyx jewelry is commonly found with cut cabochons or beads. The piece we made with onyx features a faceted cut version.  The onyx is formed by deposits of silica in gas cavities found in lava and measures 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. Because of the environment where the stone is formed, the...

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