Rebecca Zemans Jewelry Blog — myths
Elyssa's Mission Extraordinary You Event

I am proud to announce our partnership with Elyssa's Mission, a community-based organization founded to provide resources and education in teen suicide prevention. The organization provides hands-on support to area public and private schools as well as community groups in order to educate students, staff and parents on how to recognize and assist those teens most at-risk. Elyssa's Mission is hosting its annual event Extraordinary You on November 4th from 5-9pm at The Kennilworth Club. I will be at this fundraising event with my handcrafted jewelry, proceeds from all sales benefit Elyssa's Mission in saving young lives.. Tickets...
Opal - Stone of the Month
Did you know that opals, which is the birthstone of October and the star of this blog post, were once considered to bring bad luck? In the mid-1800s people believed that witches used them for witchcraft and they were themes in several novels, each time ruining the main character's life. Today, we know that all these myths surrounding this beautiful gem are nothing but made up stories. To wear an opal doesn't bring bad luck, even if you weren't born in October. Another myth is that opals have the ability to change their colors depending on one's mood...that is just...