Rebecca Zemans Jewelry Blog — Art Fairs
Eight Years at One Of A Kind and My Gift To You!

It has been such an exciting year! As this holiday season approaches, I'm overwhelmed by gratitude for your continuous support. This December 3rd - 6th will mark my eighth and final One of a Kind Show at the Merchandise Mart. Thanks to you, my company has evolved and grown to focus on collaborations to create wonderful custom fine jewelry designs and selling favorites from my jewelry collections all over the country. To show my appreciation, we're doing a huge holiday sale online and at the show, with items up to 65% off! Click here for two complimentary tickets to the...
Summer Show Recap
Rebecca Zemans Jewelry - Art Fairs from Rebecca Zemans on Vimeo. Every Summer I attend many Art Fairs, to show off my most recent work, make new connections, and see old friends. This summer I decided to do Chicago shows in the month of June because in July I travelled to the Seattle area to participate in the Bellevue Art Museum Arts Fair in Bellevue, Washington. And while I have to say that it was very busy, it was very enjoyable. To start things off on the right foot I participated in the Hyde Park Community Art Fair for the...