Rebecca Zemans Jewelry Blog — custom

Jasper - Stone of the Month

An alternative birthstone for March is Jasper, a gemstone known for its many colors and its beautiful and unique patterns. Jasper is often thought to be part of the chalcedony class of gemstones. However, it can contain up to 20% foreign material, which results in the beautiful patterns. This makes Jasper considered a group of its own. The Jasper is a 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which makes it a fairly hard gemstone.  The Jasper rarely comes in one uniform color. Most of the time these gemstones have streaks or spots of other colors, which results in many names for the...

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Wedding Parties!

We has so much fun at Indie Wed! Held at the Ravenswood Event Center, a giant loft filled with 50's and 60's porsches, mercedes and ferraris, it was the perfect space for an event of this kind. Every booth was fun and unique, making all of us want to get married (again). Great music made the day feel more like a party than a show and we are still dreaming of the amazing food. We were so lucky to be next to Uptown Brownie...our waistlines still haven't forgiven us:). Our cozy Indie Wed booth! We also met Poladora, a really cool...

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Indie Wed

What an exciting year already! I can't believe it's almost February! Currently I’m preparing for my next big project, Indie Wed, an alternative to the traditional bridal expo. If you are getting married in the near future, or know someone who is, and you live in Chicago, then you should definitely try to attend this beautiful and artistic event. At Indie Wed there will be many different vendors, giving you the opportunity to pick and choose one-of-a-kind wedding items such as jewelry, decorations, flower arrangements, cakes, music and much, much more! While picking and choosing the pieces to your unique...

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Metalwork - Soldering

Creating jewelry is a much more technical process than most people think. To create certain pieces, we use chemicals, wax, and precious metals or processes such as forging, filing or soldering to create a certain design and effect. We solder almost everyday. It is the process of joining two metals together with a filler. In simple terms, soldering is the process of gluing metals together through heat. Soldering has been around for over 5000 years. There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians knew how to solder gold. The Romans also used soldering and did an impressive job by soldering together...

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Store Stories - The Denver Art Museum

The Denver Art Museum, which is one of the largest art museums between Chicago and the West Coast, was founded in 1893 as the Denver Artists' Club and today features a collection of more than 70,000 works of art. One of the Denver Art Museum's more well-known pieces is 'Linda', the sleeping, life-like sculpture of a woman by John DeAndrea. Linda is made out of polyvinyl and human hair (on head and arms) in an effort to make her look as real as possible. While Linda is always a massive attraction, she only comes out periodically, in an effort to...

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