Rebecca Zemans Jewelry Blog — Artist Community
10 x 10 Show at Jackson Junge

The View From The Room

Eight Years at One Of A Kind and My Gift To You!

It has been such an exciting year! As this holiday season approaches, I'm overwhelmed by gratitude for your continuous support. This December 3rd - 6th will mark my eighth and final One of a Kind Show at the Merchandise Mart. Thanks to you, my company has evolved and grown to focus on collaborations to create wonderful custom fine jewelry designs and selling favorites from my jewelry collections all over the country. To show my appreciation, we're doing a huge holiday sale online and at the show, with items up to 65% off! Click here for two complimentary tickets to the...
Season of Gratitude

Now that I'm finally adjusting to the Daylight Savings Time change and the stunning autumn weather in Chicago is beginning to wane, it is starting to feel like winter is on its way - which is not always a bad thing :) Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays - as we enter into the end of the year it gives me an opportunity to reflect on all which I am grateful for in this past year. My company has grown in ways I never could have dreamed of eight year ago. I am so fortunate to be able to...
Elyssa's Mission Extraordinary You Event

I am proud to announce our partnership with Elyssa's Mission, a community-based organization founded to provide resources and education in teen suicide prevention. The organization provides hands-on support to area public and private schools as well as community groups in order to educate students, staff and parents on how to recognize and assist those teens most at-risk. Elyssa's Mission is hosting its annual event Extraordinary You on November 4th from 5-9pm at The Kennilworth Club. I will be at this fundraising event with my handcrafted jewelry, proceeds from all sales benefit Elyssa's Mission in saving young lives.. Tickets...